Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tonight's featured family

I usually talk about our own adoption. But tonight I wanted to talk about this amazing family I have met along the adoption journey. They go above and beyond to get these children out of orphanage​s. They just brought home four kids. Three out of the four were bedridden and two were severally malnurished​.
They are heading back for two more. Their mentality is money doesn't matter these kids need out now!!

Let's help them out tonight! They are so selfless they deserve it.

Puzzle fundraiser

James, Jacob, and I decided it would be a nice family activity to do a puzzle fundraiser together, and Jacob picked the puzzle out himself. When it is complete, we will glue it together and frame, it and hang it in Fynn’s room. Whenever we look at it we will think of all the generous people that helped to bring him home

How it works:

 1)  Donate 10 dollars per one puzzle piece. 3 puzzle pieces for 25 dollars.

2) On the back of each piece donated, we will write the names of each person that donated.

3) At random increments there will be surprise gifts.

4)  All proceeds will go into a Reece’s Rainbow, taxed deductible account.
 (If you make a donation write a comment or Facebook message me how many puzzle pieces I owe you.)

We are so excited to start this family activity!!!

Thank you so much for your love and Support to help bring Fynn home

Friday, April 21, 2017

What is Reece's Rainbow?

I just wanted to explain the most amazing website, I found Jacob, and now Fynn. 

It was started by a mother of a son with Down Syndrome, who had a goal to help children, across the world, living in Orphanage's find homes. It started out as just kids with Down syndrome, then it grew to kids with all special needs.

It shows a waiting list that agencies provide of children, that helps perspective families find their child. Also it helps people, who can't necessarily adopt they can advocate, pray, or donate to the child's grant. There are also different programs to advocate and pray for.

The child's Grant helps the Family with funds to help with that particular child. Once a family commits to a child they can set up something called Family Sponsorship Program(FSP).
An FSP is what helps a particular family out and those donations are tax deductible.

Lastly, whether you are an advocate or an adoptive family, we are all very close and support one another. 

Please check it out. It changed our lives.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Here we go..... Again!!

You read right. We are going back to adopt from a country in Eastern Europe. Different from the country Jacob (Elijah) is from.

Why you ask?

The simple answer is our child is there.

We advocated/ was a prayer warrior for a one year old boy with down syndrome, for a long time. We prayed that his family would find his soon. Why wasn't a family stepping up to this bundle of joy??

Finally in mid January a family said yes!!! We were over the moon excited!! He has a family.

However, I had a gut feeling he would be relisted. I kept telling myself "no Colleen it's just because you want him. "
But it wouldn't go away.

So the last day, of our carribean vacation, I was looking at the beach,and sure enough he got relisted.

I knew that was God telling us he's yours.


So we jumped!

We are beyond terrified!!

But we know God's got this.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Along awaited post

Jacob has been home for year and he is the light of my life. He is so amazing. Within a year he has started school and therapy. He also had foot surgery and he turned three. He loves cars, balloons,balls and basically anything. He always has a smile on his face.